our French lawyers have long-standing practice in Asia and in depth knowledge of the cultural and local peculiarities. The reliability and expertise of our teams is enhanced by a large-scale cooperation with local firms with which we have cooperated with for many years. Our integrated services combine the understanding of the needs and constraints of our clients with 25 years of local experience and expertise.
Our clients will be appointed one privileged contact who will monitor the project and coordinate with local teams, giving guaranty that the quality and follow up will be continuously observed.
Admitted to Paris Bar Association (1995)
Admitted to Taipei Bar Association (2001)
Foreign Lawyer, Law Society of Hong Kong since 2019
ICC Arbitrator, Paris
Arbitrator of ROC Arbitration Association, Taipei
Arbitrator of Shanghai International Arbitration Commission (SHIAC)
Foreign Trade Advisor to the French Government (“CCEF”)
T +886 (2) 2581 5398
F +886 (2) 2581 5203
T +86 10 8523 6016
M +86 186 1024 7656
Working languages: French, English, Chinese
Franck Desevedavy has a long-term practice in Asia. He started his career in France before moving to Taiwan where he was the first European lawyer being admitted to the Taiwan Bar Association. From 1999, he developed his expertise in the PRC, participating to the development and expansion of two well-known French law firms before co-founding ASIALLIANS.
He advises the clientele of ASIALLIANS on Intellectual Property, Foreign Investment Law, Environmental Law, International Litigation and Arbitration.
Author of numerous articles on Chinese and Taiwanese laws, his expertise in the protection of intellectual property is recognized in China and Taiwan. He is admitted to Paris and Taipei Bar Associations, registered in Hong Kong as « Foreign Lawyer », Foreign Trade Advisor and ICC Arbitrator.
Partner Lawyer
Admitted to Paris Bar Association since 1995
Admitted to Taipei Bar Association since 2001
ICC Arbitrator, Paris
Arbitrator, ROC Arbitration Association, Taipei
Arbitrator of China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission Shanghai Commission (SHIAC), Shanghai
Founding Member of Cercle K2 & Representative for China, Hong Kong and Taiwan
French Foreign Trade Advisor (“CCEF”)
Former Chairman of CCEF’s Taiwan Section
Former elected Member of the French Chamber of Commerce & Industry in Taiwan (2001-2006)
Former elected Member of the French Chamber of Commerce & Industry in China (2006)
Lecturing on Intellectual Property Law to Chinese judges in the 100 Judges Program organized by the French Embassy in China (2005 – 2011)
Head of Food Safety Working Group of the French Chamber of Commerce & Industry in China (2010 – 2017)
Partner Lawyer ASIALLIANS since 2010
Partner Lawyer UGGC & Associés (2008 – 2010)
Partner Lawyer ADAMAS (1999 – 2008)
Of Counsel, WTW, Taipei Commercial Law Firm (1996 – 1999)
Lawyer, SCP Martin Delory Pamart (1994 – 1996)
Auxiliary Police Officer, 12 Sect. R.G. Paris, China Group (1993 – 1994)
Foreign Investment Law
Intellectual Property Law
Environment Law
International Litigation and Arbitration
« Les entreprises françaises à Taiwan »
Janvier 2016, Ed. Cercle K2
« La Contrefaçon en Chine »
Octobre 2015, Ed. Cercle K2
« Le risque pénal pour les représentants de sociétés françaises en Chine »
Octobre 2015, Ed. Cercle K2
« La Chine et la contrefaçon de logiciel »
Octobre 2013, Ed. Asiallians
« La sécurité juridique en Chine et à Taiwan »
Institut de Recherche Europe-Asie
Décembre 2017
« Le risque pénal en Chine dans le domaine de l’environnement »
2èmes rencontres Franco-Chinoises du Droit et de la Justice
Octobre 2017
« Les investissements chinois en Afrique »
Centre de Management Franco-Chinois, IAE Université de droit de Nantes
Septembre 2017
« Droit civil et globalisation : quelles évolutions pour les professions juridiques en Chine ? »
1ères rencontres Franco-Chinoises du Droit et de la Justice
Juin 2017
« Les nouveaux arbitres de la Chine-Afrique »
Le Monde
Mai 2017
« La sécurité médico-légale des expatriés en Chine »
Pékin Accueil
Avril 2017
« Le règlement des conflits sino-africains »
Ordre des Avocats à la Cour de Paris
Septembre 2016
« La sécurité juridique en Chine »
Commission Internationale du Barreau de Paris
Mars 2016
« Food Safety Regulations in China »
French Chamber of Commerce in China
February 2016
« Quel lieu pour un arbitrage efficace en Chine ? »
Commission Internationale du Barreau de Paris
Octobre 2015
« Les stratégies de lutte contre la contrefaçon en Chine »
Comité Nationale Anti-Contrefaçon
Octobre 2015
« La vente en ligne dans l’agro-alimentaire en Chine »
Chambre de Commerce Française en Chine
Mai 2015
« La rédaction des clauses compromissoires en Chine »
Campus Shanghai – Ordre des Avocats à la Cour de Paris
Avril 2015
« Overview of Food Safety in China »
French Chamber of Commerce in China
March 2015
Admitted to Paris Bar Association (1998)
French Foreign Trade Advisor (“CCEF”) (since 2011)
Foreign Lawyer, Law Society of Hong Kong since 2019
Former Vice-president and Elected Member
of the board of the French Chamber of Commerce and Industry in China (2008-2017)
Lecturer at the Faculty of Law of Montpellier
T: +86 10 8523 6016
Working languages: French, English, Chinese
Alina QUACH practiced in both litigation and corporate fields for 6 years in Paris before settling in Beijing in 2003. She joined and developed her Chinese expertise in two French law firms before co-founding ASIALLIANS.
Alina has developed an extended expertise in foreign investment law, mergers & acquisitions, intellectual property law, international litigation and arbitration.
She is actively involved in professional associations (French Foreign Trade Advisor, CJD). She regularly hosts legal conferences and teaches at the Faculty of Law of Montpellier.
Partner Lawyer
Admitted to Paris Bar Association since 1998
French Foreign Trade Advisor (since 2011)
Former vice President and elected member of the Board of the French Chamber of Commerce and Industry in China (2008-2017)
Founder and former president of the Centre des Jeunes Dirigeants (CJD) China branch
Partner Lawyer ASIALLIANS since 2010
Partner Lawyer UGGC & Associés (2008 – 2010)
Partner Lawyer Adamas (2003 – 2008)
Partner Lawyer, Gramond & Associés (2002 – 2003)
Lawyer, Mignard, Teitgen Grisoni (1999 – 2002)
Lawyer, Thieffry & Associés (1998-1999)
Foreign Investment Law
Mergers & Acquisitions
Intellectual Property Law
International Litigation and Arbitration
Publication annuelle dans le revue « Sinoscope » des CCE Chine, rubrique sureté alimentaire
« Loi cyber sécurité en Chine : un balancier délicat entre protection et protectionnisme »,
Novembre 2017
« Loi sur la cyber sécurité en Chine : tous les doutes ne sont pas levés », Article paru dans Chine hors les Murs, publication du CNCCEF, et dans le Monde, juillet 2017
« Le droit des investissements étrangers en Chine: de l’ouverture maitrisée a la normalisation ? »
Connexions, magazine de la Chambre de Commerce Internationale Française en Chine , mars 2014
« Comprendre et accéder aux marchés publics en Chine »
Publication Ubifrance, mars 2012
« Tour d’horizon de l’actualité du droit chinois des affaires »
Maison du Barreau, mars 2018
« Made in China 2025 : regulatory framework, protection and protectionism »
French Chamber of Commerce of Hong Kong, June 2017
«Chine 2017 : les clés pour optimiser et sécuriser votre développement »
CCI Normandie, mai 2017
« Lecture on China Business Law »
Master 2 Droit du Commerce International, Faculté de Montpellier, Mai 2017
« L’environnement Juridique Des Nouvelles Technologies En Chine », Maison du Barreau, janvier 2017,
« Le cadre juridique des investissements étrangers en Chine »
Intervention auprès d’étudiants de EM Grenoble, Décembre 2015
« Le cadre juridique des investissements étrangers en Chine »
CCIFC Beijing, Octobre 2015
« Dernières réformes et tendances en droit des investissements étrangers en Chine »
Maison du Barreau, Juin 2015
Participation au Colloque sur la création d’entreprise
Club France, Avril 2015